Mobile apps

Mobile apps

iPhone / iPad

iPhone app

The Autozine iPhone app is the Swiss army knife amongst car apps. Not only does it present the latest reviews and news on your device, it also has a database of specs and prices of all cars on the market.

The Autozine app challenges the true car buff. Recognize exotic cars, recognize cars by just a detail or recognize cars in a split second.



Android app

The Android app runs on any device: phone, tablet, game console or SmartTV! All road tests are now available on your favourite device. The Android app also has a database of all specs and prices of all cars on the market.

Inoltre, l'app Autozine offre giochi per i veri intenditori di auto. Riconoscete i modelli esotici o riconoscete un'auto dal suo più piccolo dettaglio!

De laatste jaren werd het programmeren van de Android app meer een juridische strijd dan een technisch klusje. Vanwege nieuwe regelgeving in 2025 wordt dit nog lastiger. Daarom heeft Autozine besloten de Android-app direct aan te bieden, zonder tussenkomst van een Play Store of andere digitale winkel.

Android APK